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The objectives of the Year are:


  • To raise awareness of the rights of people with disabilities to protection against discrimination and to full and equal enjoyment of their rights;
  • To encourage reflection on and discussion of the measures needed to promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities in Europe;
  • To promote the exchange of experience of good practice and effective strategies devised at local, national and European level;
  • To reinforce the co-operation between all parties concerned, namely government, the social partners, NGOs, the social services, the private sector, communities, voluntary sector groups, people with disabilities and their families;
  • To improve communication regarding disability and promote a positive image of people with disabilities;
  • To raise awareness of the heterogeneity of people with disabilities and of the various kind of disability;
  • To raise awareness of the multiple discrimination facing people with disabilities;
  • To pay special attention to awareness of the right of children and young people with disabilities to equality in education, so as to encourage and support their full integration in society and to promote the development of European co-operation between those professionally involved in the education of children and young people with disabilities, in order to improve the integration of pupils and students with special needs in ordinary or specialised establishments and in national and European exchange programmes.


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