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What about other events?

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Published by - (02/12/02)

In many cases, it may make sense for you to ?coat-tail? on other events that are going on. However, ?coat-tailing? is only useful if you are sure that you have a good chance of getting your message heard. For example, it may make sense for you to participate in a general human rights march. If you do this, make sure you use your media contacts to get an interview on site, and organise as much as possible around the main event, but only if you are sure that you will get some specific coverage for disability issues. If you are not sure that you will have at least some differentiated coverage, it is probably a better idea to conserve your energy for an event during which your message will not be drowned out.

European Day of People with Disabilities
The European Day of People with Disabilities takes place every year on 3 December. Each edition focuses on a special issue such as violence against disabled people, integration of disabled people in the workforce and design for all.

Since 2000, the European Commission is also awarding organisations, companies or individuals that have improved the life of people with disabilities with a Breaking Barriers Award.

For more information: www.eddp.org

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